Wednesday 27 July 2011

How to Build Muscle Fast

When people are looking how to build muscles fast, they are often attracted to the baseless allegations, workouts and diets in vogue.

Did you notice that the title of this article is "How to build muscles quickly." I'm not trying to say that you will take an insane muscle in a week or something absurd. What you can do so by cons is to maximize your potential gain muscle naturally. This guide will show you the fastest way to build muscles.

In this article, I'll do a summary of key issues in weight training. This is a good reminder for those who have already started and a great place to start for beginners (some terms are explained in As, for beginners among us).

(1) Use of weight - there is no doubt. Of weight training fighting all the other methods. Exercises without equipment, gym, cardio, all these methods can help beginners get some muscles, but only slightly - and then the growth stops. Why? Because we can not add much resistance continuously with these exercises.

(2) force the body to adapt! The muscles have no reason to adapt if we do not put a growing burden. This means that the weight is used for a given year should increase over time. No increase = No gain. This is the concept of Progressive Load.

(3) Train the hypertrophy. Hypertrophy means muscle development. Always the target, as opposed to strength training, which focused primarily on strength gains and muscle gains with the side effect. Train for strength is to some rehearsals for a year and compound exercises only. More ...

(4) Use compound exercises and isolated. Compound exercises are essential, they use several muscle groups simultaneously and stimulates growth hormones in the body. They can be defined as exercises that involve rotation about more than one joint. Example: Pushups, Deadlifts, Squats.

Isolated exercises have become very popular in recent years. These are exercises that use a single joint. If the exercises have made their advantage to train several muscle groups simultaneously, we must understand that every individual muscle groups will not get enough intensity to stimulate growth. That's why exercises are also isolated an important part of any bodybuilding program.

(5) Push to muscular exhaustion. The last rehearsal almost impossible, which uses a maximum of muscle fiber and effort. Stop before this ensures that they will not sufficiently stimulate muscle growth. Always remember that bodybuilding is a defense mechanism of the body. Quite simply, if you do not give a good enough reason (enough intensity), the muscles will not grow.

(6) Eat enough calories. Whatever diet you follow, you must give the body enough energy to grow.

(7) Consuming enough protein. No, you do not have astronomical amounts of protein to build muscles, but it takes more than an ordinary person. Use this formula.

Lean mass (kg) x 2.75 = protein requirement per day (g)

(8) Keep Workouts Short. Of steroid users can train for hours, non-natural bodybuilder. Hormones are released into the body during training and keep the body in a mode of "deterioration of muscle mass." To minimize this, try to keep training sessions short at a maximum of 45 minutes.

(9) Rest Between Workouts. If your priority is to gain muscle mass, why do cardio between sessions of weight? I understand that you want to stay lean while taking the muscle. Let the cardio side during the weight gain and rest at least 48 hours between sessions.

(10) Drinking Water. To maximize muscle mass, you should drink enough water. At least three liters for men and two liters for women.

The energy can decrease by 15% if one is dehydrated by only 3%!
My results following this method

So with all that was said, You can do this? Can you get the body you want? Of course yes. I was dry as a sheet and with a big belly for some time. If I can do it, anyone can!

Learn more about Muscle Building mastermind

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